Thursday, November 12, 2015

Hot Deals on credit card and points promotions

It’s been very busy at home with our 5-month-old baby boy and our 2-year-old dog taking up most of our time. 

Caring for an infant is very time consuming and involves an incredible amount of responsibility, patience and love.  I’m constantly surprised at how fast our son is growing up.  
Our boy gets hungry every 2 to 3 hours.  He just started eating rice cereal and oatmeal this week!  As his brain is developing, we are reading to him, talking to him, and singing songs to him every day.   The little guy is so curious and wants to touch everything and put everything into his mouth!  
We are helping him develop his motor skills and hand-eye coordination by watching over him as he plays with his toys.  He needs a diaper change every 1-2 hours.  No one said raising a child was going to be easy.  That being said, we have no regrets and couldn’t imagine our life without our son.   

Taking care of our dog also involves a lot of dedication and love.  Our dog Abby wakes me up every morning around 5:50am to 6:00am.  Without fail, I take her out for her morning jog and walk every single day that I’m home.  We spend around 20 to 30 minutes enjoying our morning outdoors.  For me, it’s the best way to start the day.  I know very few people that get to exercise regularly, let alone every single day.  

Abby gets to meet other dogs almost every day, sometimes more than once a day.  We make sure she gets to go outside at least 3 to 4 times a day.  This keeps all of us healthy and as an added bonus has helped us meet and develop relationships with our neighbors.  

We groom our dog ourselves, which involves bathing her once every 3-4 weeks, cutting her nails every 2-3 weeks and giving her a hair cut every month.  For those thinking of dog ownership, I highly recommend reading this post by one of my favorite bloggers, Mr. Money Mustache.  He talks about the many downsides and offers a contrary upside opinion (from his sister) about owning a dog. 

Anyways, my family has been keeping us busy and that’s why there has been a slowdown in blog posts.  While I’ve slowed down on posting, many bloggers continue to post the best deals in credit card rewards, bonus points promotions, and other hot deals to help you save money.  I’d like to the share my 2 favorite bloggers who regularly post hot deals on credit card and points promotions.

The Frequent Miler has always been known for posting the most detailed information online about manufactured spending.  He offers a “Quick Deals” mailing list you can sign up for.  Up to several times a day, he will send you the latest and greatest hot deals that will help you earn points and save money. 

Doctor of Credit also writes very detailed and informative posts about all things related to credit cards: sign up promotions, manufactured spending, as well as hot deals on points promotions. 

I highly recommend signing up for both of these newsletters.  They offer plenty of hot deals to keep you busy earning points and cash back.    I’ll be posting more articles soon.

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