The great thing about
doing side hustles to generate extra income is that you can hustle on your own
terms. The more hard work, time, and
creative effort you put in, the more extra money you can make. You can hustle as little or as much as you
want, whenever you want. It’s your extra
money, and you can choose how you want to spend it. Instead of focusing on what ideas don’t apply to you, try focusing
on different side hustle ideas that you can implement to work for your
Welcome to October, a
brand new month. It’s been a very fun
and busy September for us.
My father visited and
stayed with us for 3 weeks. He’s been
very helpful in watching our son and dog.
Our son has grown attached to his grandpa quickly. Every parent knows that it’s really nice
having an extra set of hands to distribute responsibilities.
Benjamin is growing so
fast. Raising a child takes a lot of
energy, especially when your child runs around with non-stop energy.
It seems like every few
days, there is a new milestone: taking his first steps, saying new words,
feeding himself and more. He’s always
trying to explore all the areas of our home.
He opens cabinets, flips light switches, and climbs onto
everything. He also is developing his
own personality. He is quite the little
Earlier last month, I
brought my family along for a 4-day visit to Las Vegas with me on a business
trip. Our son loved seeing all the new
lights, colors and sounds. We dropped by
the Mirage
Secret Garden & Dolphin Habitat.
Ben loved getting an up close look at the dolphins and wild cats.
He also enjoyed watching
the water fountains at the Wynn.
Here’s our monthly summary of side income that
we have generated in the previous month of September.
Award Travel
award travel redeemed this past month.
However, I am very excited about getting 100,000 Chase Ultimate Rewards
points from my new Chase
Sapphire Reserve credit card!
Cash back
9.12, I received a $300 statement credit from Chase on my Chase Sapphire
Reserve credit card. I had spent $432.66
purchasing a round trip business class ticket for our son from Los Angeles to
Tokyo (For international flights on Singapore Airlines, child under 2 years of
age pays 10% of the full fare adult fee (each business class ticket would have
cost $4,326.60 – thankfully we have points J). Since this was a travel expense, Chase gave
me a $300 statement credit for the purchase. An awesome annual benefit of the Sapphire Reserve card.
9.19, I received a $15 Visa Debit Gift card for a promotion for buying
Visa gift cards at Staples (Buy $300 or more in Visa Gift cards, get $15 rebate
gift card).
On 9.21, I received a $100 statement credit on my Chase Sapphire Reserve credit card. I bought my dad Global Entry for $100 as a gift, since he travels frequently and could use the benefit. I received the $100 statement credit as soon as my charge cleared. This is another awesome benefit of the Sapphire Reserve card.
Paid surveys
Side Job
On 9.23, I received a
check for $137.50 for teaching at
the local university. I really enjoy
teaching and working with the students.
Rental Income
On 9.1, I received a
check for $600 from our temporary
On 9.4, we received a net profit of $430
from our rental property.
Monthly Totals:
We earned $415 cash back
I earned $8 from paid surveys
I earned $137.50 for teaching at the local
We earned $1,030
from rental income
All of this totals $1,590.50
from our side hustles for the month of September. With expensive property taxes coming up soon, we’ll
take all the help we can get from side hustle income. Next month we are expecting more side hustle money.