Saturday, June 1, 2019

Side hustles May 2019

The great thing about doing side hustles to generate extra income is that you can hustle on your own terms.  The more hard work, time, and creative effort you put in, the more extra money you can make.  You can hustle as little or as much as you want, whenever you want.  It’s your extra money, and you can choose how you want to spend it.  Instead of focusing on what ideas don’t apply to you, try focusing on different side hustle ideas that you can implement to work for your situation.

Once a month (usually on the 1st), I like to post a short summary of our personal and financial situation for the previous month.  While I don’t often post articles, I am committed to documenting all of my side hustle income.  Here I’ll share some of what’s been going on with our lives and our side hustles. 

Welcome to June!  Did you have a good May?  Every month it seems like time is passing us by so quickly.  I love looking back at all the photos we have taken to document our activities.  
The highlight of last month was taking a 4-day trip to Portland, Oregon to visit my wife’s parents.  We decided to randomly take a few days off work so that our kids could spend time with their grandparents.  To cover our flight costs, I redeemed 91,600 Chase Ultimate Rewards points towards our round trip flights worth $1,374.  
We spent a day exploring the Oregon Zoo.
We also spent time roaming around downtown Portland and relaxing at the in-laws’ home.  It was a great to get away from the stresses of work for a few days.  We absolutely loved not worrying about waking up to the alarm clock. 
Back home we stuck with our regular weekend routine.  We went to visit the local children’s museum twice.  Our kids practically make themselves at home here.
We also continue to walk around the neighborhood and visit playground.  Time really slows down when you focus on everything around you such as listening to the birds singing and breathing in the fresh air.
Here’s our monthly summary of side income that we have generated in the previous month of May.
Cash Back
On 5.6, I received a $4.00 statement credit on my Freedom Unlimited credit card from Chase Offers.  This was 5% off dog food purchases.
On 5.7, I received a $5.00 statement credit on my Freedom Unlimited credit card from Chase Offers.  This was for 10% back at purchases made at Staples.
On 5.21, my received a $10 statement credit on her AMEX Gold card from AMEX.  This was for the $10 monthly AMEX dining credit offer.
On 5.24, I received a $24.50 cash back statement credit on my SimplyCash AMEX business card.

Rental Income
On 5.5, we received a net profit of $450 from our rental property. 

Side Job Income
On 5.10, I received a direct deposit of $187.50 for teaching at the local university.

Survey Income
On 5.7, I received a $5 Amazon gift card from E-Rewards Medical for completing a medical survey
On 5.13, I received a $25 check from E-Rewards Medical for completing a medical survey.
On 5.19, I received a $15 check from E-Rewards Medical for completing a medical survey.

Miscellaneous Income
On 5.31, my wife sold a juicer that we haven’t been using for a while to a coworker for $40.

Monthly Totals:
We earned $43.50 from cash back
We earned $450 from rental income
I earned $187.50 from teaching at the local university
We earned $45 for completing online surveys
We earned $40 from selling unused items in our home.

All of this totals $766 from our side hustles for the month of May!  I still can’t believe that we are almost halfway done with 2019.  This extra side hustle income helps us continue to invest in our financial freedom.  
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