The great thing about doing side
hustles to generate extra income is that you can hustle on your own terms. The more hard work, time, and creative effort
you put in, the more extra money you can make.
You can hustle as little or as much as you want, whenever you want. It’s your extra money, and you can choose how
you want to spend it. Instead of focusing on what ideas don’t apply to you,
try focusing on different side hustle ideas that you can implement to work for
your situation.
Once a month (usually on the 1st), I like to post a
short summary of our personal and financial situation for the previous month. While I don’t often post articles, I am
committed to documenting all of my side hustle income. Here I’ll share some of what’s been going on
with our lives and our side hustles.
to July! Did you have a good June?
son just turned 4! It’s amazing how fast
the years have gone by. He began preschool a week after his
birthday. It’s been a big change from a
much smaller daycare setting to a classroom setting. The first few days of preschool were a bit
rough with some tears, but now our son is getting used to it and thriving. Preschool tuition increases our monthly
expenses quite a bit. Our daycare costs
for our son used to be only $100 a week, and now preschool is $899 a month.
Southern California weather has been great lately, with bright sunny days. Our daughter is getting much better at
walking and now starting to run a bit as well.
She enjoys going on family walks together and no longer enjoys being
strapped into the stroller.
visited the beautiful Fullerton
arboretum, located a few minutes from our home. It is the largest botanical garden in Orange
County with over 4,000 plants from around the world on its 26-acre
property. There are many places to
wander and explore here, from tall bamboos to grassy plains, to peaceful lakes
and running streams. Our kids enjoyed
getting up close to rabbits, ducks, turtles, fish, plants and flowers.
visited the Cerritos public library,
which has a great children’s section.
There is a big Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton here on display, as well as a
lighthouse and space shuttle. We came to
check out the large aquarium, which unfortunately was undergoing maintenance
during our visit. The children’s library
is so nicely decorated. Just outside the
library is a nice sculpture garden. We
will definitely be back in the future.
our monthly summary of side income that we have generated in the previous month
of June.
Cash Back
On 6.3, I received a $11.15 statement credit on my Freedom Unlimited
credit card from Chase Offers. This was 10%
back on purchases made at
On 6.3, I received a $0.20 statement credit on my Freedom Unlimited
credit card from Chase Offers. This was
for 10% back on purchases made at Starbucks.
On 6.5, I received a $4.00
statement credit on my Freedom Unlimited
credit card from Chase Offers. This was
for 10% back on purchases made at Kriser’s, a local pet supply store we get our
dog’s food from.
On 6.28, my wife received a $2.25 statement credit on her AMEX Gold
card from AMEX. This was for the 15%
cash back for purchases made directly with select streaming services (HBO Now
in this case).
Rental Income
On 6.5, we received a net profit of $450 from our rental property.
Survey Income
On 6.18, I received a direct deposit of $46.66 from GLG Survey for completing a
telephone consultation interview.
On 6.19, I received a $25 Amazon gift card from M-Panels for completing a medical survey
On 6.24, my wife received a $5 Amazon gift card for completing a
survey through MSI research.
On 6.24, I received a $25 check from My Impact network for completing a medical survey.
Monthly Totals:
We earned $17.60
from cash back
We earned $450 from rental income
We earned $101.66
for completing online surveys
All of this totals $569.26 from our
side hustles for the month of June! It’s been a slow month of side hustle income, but every bit helps. I expect to bring in extra money next month.