I just logged into Google stats for my site to find out that I’ve reached a small milestone in the history of RelentlessFinancialImprovement.com. Since its beginning (January 7, 2012), this site has now received over 300,000 pageviews!
am constantly reading, learning, and applying different ways to improve our
financial situation. I want to
show you how earning a middle class salary can lead to financial freedom, true wealth and happiness.
like to also use this opportunity to give a big thanks to my wonderful wife,
Jen. She was the one who first
suggested that I write and publish my thoughts for others to read. She is my number one editor-in-chief,
and helps me proofread all my material to make sure there are no spelling
typos, grammatical mistakes, or factual errors.
a part time blogger, it’s pretty exciting to see that my ramblings are being
read online (my own page views are not counted). I’m just living my life and trying to share my ideas with
the world whenever I get a chance.
This site has kept me accountable in my own lifestyle. Here is an update on some of the ways we are staying
financially fit: