The great thing about doing side hustles to generate extra income
is that you can hustle on your own terms.
The more hard work, time, and creative effort you put in, the more extra
money you can make. You can hustle
as little or as much as you want, whenever you want. It’s your extra money, and you can choose how you want to
spend it.
Welcome to May, the start of another brand new month! Are you feeling new energy, motivation,
and determination to succeed?
It’s also time for another summary of our side hustles from the
previous month! Here is our
monthly summary of side income that we’ve earned in the month of April.
Cash Back
On 4.9, my wife received $25 cash back statement credit for
a travel purchase made with her Barclaycard Arrival credit card
On 4.13, my wife received $573.51 cash back statement
credit from Barclaycard for her cruise ticket purchase
On 4.25, my wife received $79.98 cash back statement credit
from Barclaycard for two tickets to the Cirque Dreams & Dinner show on
board the Norwegian Epic
Website income
On 4.20, I received $145.50 from website income
Search and Win
On 4.11, my wife received $5 Amazon gift card from
On 4.21, I received $5 Amazon gift card from Swagbucks
On 4.24, I received $5 Amazon gift card from Bing Rewards
Paid surveys
On 4.5, I received $10 PayPal deposit from Opinion Outpost
On 4.3, I received $3 PayPal deposit from PineCone Research
On 4.20, I received $3 PayPal deposit from PineCone
On 4.28, I received $3 PayPal deposit from PineCone
On 4.16, I received $15 PayPal deposit from I Say
On 4.25, my wife received $68.75 from Survey Savvy
E-rewards Medical
On 4.23, I received $60 ($25 and $35) Visa gift cards from
E-Rewards Medical
Side Job
On 4.23, I received a check for $560 for two days worth of
teaching at the local university
Rental Income
On 4.1, I received $1,150 ($600 + $550) rental income from
our two housemates
Misc. Income
On 4.23, I received $61.77 for a Southwest Airlines
settlement claim
Monthly Totals:
April was yet another pretty productive side hustle month.
We earned $678.49 credit card cash back
We earned $145.50 from website income
We earned $15 worth of Amazon gift certificates from Search
and Win sites
We earned $162.75 in cash from paid surveys
I earned $560 from my side job teaching students
We earned $1,150 from rental income from our two housemates
We earned $61.77 of miscellaneous income from a settlement
All of this totals $2,773.51 from our side hustles for the month
of April, our best month documented to date!
These updates aren’t meant as “show off” or “bragging” posts. These posts are to regularly document
our progress. Not all of the
following side hustles may be applicable to you. Instead of focusing on what ideas don’t apply to you, try
focusing on different side hustle ideas that you can implement to work for your
Sure, some may find inspiration in these side hustle posts. Many others may see our side hustle
income as small potatoes and chump change. Regardless, we’re already looking forward to another month
of more side hustles!
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