The great thing about doing side hustles to generate extra income is that you can hustle on your own terms. The more hard work, time, and creative effort you put in, the more extra money you can make. You can hustle as little or as much as you want, whenever you want. It’s your extra money, and you can choose how you want to spend it. Instead of focusing on what ideas don’t apply to you, try focusing on different side hustle ideas that you can implement to work for your situation.
Once a month (usually on the 1st), I like to post a short summary of our personal and financial situation for the previous month. While I don’t often post articles, I am committed to documenting all of my side hustle income. Here I’ll share some of what’s been going on with our lives and our side hustles.
Welcome to July! Did you have a good June? This past month, our son turned 5 years old! Originally we had reserved a venue to have a birthday party with all of his friends. Due to the shutdown, we had a nice Zoom celebration party at home instead.
Recently the Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific reopened with new strict safety policies including: temperature screening at entrance, required reservations, required masks, one way traffic and staff constantly sanitizing surfaces. We reserved the earliest spot right when the aquarium opened and had a fun time visiting. We felt comfortable visiting with the new safety protocols and the aquarium was quite empty.
My son started a summer program at his private school and he’s been so happy that he can interact with other kids again. Being home the last few months has been very hard on his mental health. My daughter’s daycare has opened up as well and we are glad that she can play and learn with other kids. While we understand there is some risk with sending our children out, these centers have many safety protocols in place to reduce risk of infection.
While our anxiety levels regarding the coronavirus have calmed down somewhat, we still remain very vigilant and cautious when we are out.
Here’s our monthly summary of side income that we have generated in the previous month of June.
Cash Back
On 6.29, I received a $4.99 statement credit on my Chase Sapphire Reserve card for dining credit with DoorDash.
On 6.30, my wife received a $10 statement credit on her AMEX Gold card. This was for ordering food as a gift through Yelp and GrubHub.
On 6.30, my wife received a $10 statement credit on her AMEX Gold card. This was for ordering food as a gift through Yelp and GrubHub.
Rental Income
On 6.5, we received a net profit of $450 from our rental property. Our tenants income situation has improved and they were able to make a full rental payment this month.
Monthly Totals:
We earned $14.99 from cash back income
We earned $450 from rental income
We earned $450 from rental income
All of this totals $464.99 from our side hustles for the month of June! We continue to save and invest quite a bit of money each month due to our reduced spending. Keep at it everyone!
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